Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Icon Poetry

Alright, this was written because a good friend of mine (hi Erin) challenged me to come up with something called an ICON POEM in which you write poetry focused on a famous icon (I.E. a celebrity). I couldn't think of any one person I could gush over for more than a sentence or two so I did this little beauty instead.

There is something that has bothered me through my life.
That, regardless of the current turmoil and strife;
from serial killers, kidnappings or war in the Middle East
to crooked politics, immigration or "the rise of the Beast".
None of this is given a fraction of a care
as what's happening in the life of a millionaire.

The names and faces change every year
but the constant that stands glaringly clear
is that we are blinded by the unending sermon of Mtv
and our insugnificant lives are guided by the trends we see.
The sad truth is, regardless of break-throughs scientists can boast,
it is the relationships that celebrity icons are in that matter most.

If you grab the National Enquirer, you can clearly see
that the once innocent Britney Spears has gone completely crazy.
If her drama over her kids isn't enough to make you sick,
how about her little sister that has become a pregnant teen statistic.
Making these types of role models is Hollywood's main goal
which is painfully more evident with every season of American Idol.

Too many people are concerned with Brad Pitt's marital state,
No wonder this nation has such a high divorce rate.
Maybe the press is trying to correct these separation trends.
by amalgamating names to use when addressing these special friends
but it sounds awkward and I would honestly prefer
not to use names like Brangelina and Bennifer.

You know our obsession with drama has brought us to a new low
when even Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne get their own reality show.
The rest of the music world is afflicted by this celebrity worship crap
and there are more than a million signs seen by the success of rap.
The hypocrisy is most evident right now with the newest tracks from Kid Rock
who blesses dirty sex then claims even filth at church puts him in shock.

Will Ferrel's comedy style is on a level with a grade schooler's wit
its no surprise that every pile of garbage he makes is a big hit.
Hollywood has to cater down to the intellect of the herd,
even the cable programming makes me want to shout a four letter word.
Its a sad day for man when nothing sets the internet bloggers alight
quite like a multi-million dollar waste of film like Napolean Dynamite.

Unfortunately, you don't have to possess a double digit I.Q. to be a celebrity
which Paris Hilton gladly demonstrates with her constant display of stupidity
and as far as being an air headed little princess goes,
just how many drugs can Lindsay Lohan fit up her nose?
Sadly, all of this just begins to tell
that the land of celebrity worship really is Hell!

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