Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Infinite Inkwell Writer's Guild - Challenge #3

This piece of art is entitled, "Leashed Passion" and is by artist, Laurie Lipton.

The drive for this challenge is to pick any one aspect of this picture and to describe it in vivid detail, from the physical senses such as sight, sound, smell to the metaphysical senses including history or emotional connection. Get crazy and craft away!

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1 comment:

  1. Well, the time lapse was long, but here is my result.

    Again, it is dark. The large ones have stopped moving and I am safe to crawl out of my home. I am hungry and I want to live so I creep out slowly, stealthily, my shiny, dung colored fore-legs pull me to the jagged top of my equally shiny cup of safety. I sometimes look back at my home whilst foraging for dinner and think to myself that my house looks a lot like the large ones that constantly try to kill me. I think it is an empty husk. It scares me at times, to think that it may one day get me in my sleep, not to mention how repulsive the large ones are, but I was born deep within the bowl of this home and it never hurt me.
    Enough reflection. I need food. I need it for myself and for my children. In all my time of life, I have learned that almost anything can be eaten, but this home is tough to bite so I scuttle out into the large plains. Many times, there are new types of debris but most often, they are discarded sheddings from the large ones, mostly legs but occasionally an entire abdomen or head. I often have to scurry to another dimension to find dinings but am almost never disappointed. Time to go, my meal awaits.
