On Wednesday, June 3rd, Walla Walla Community College, with the assistance of Phi Beta Lambda, opened the doors of their theater in the Health And Science building for award winning local author and business entrepreneur, Mr. Joe Cooke, who spoke to an audience of students and Walla Walla residents on the topic of Creative Entrepeneurialsm, ‘The Road Less Traveled’. Here is a sample of what happened on this bright and pleasant morning for those unfortunate few that could not attend.
With an introduction of Mr. Cooke and his impressive accomplishments, including his college education, previous businesses, seats in office, and a mention of his publishing company, Cannon Publishing Group, Joe Cooke takes the stage and instantly captures his audience with a soft, welcome personality. His discussion on entrepreneurial success begins within Mr. Cooke’s own history and travels through his own ups and downs into the present.
Determining the message behind today’s discussion comes quickly as Joe not only talks about what one needs to succeed, but shows it in his speech, and that thing is passion. With an eloquent presence and skilled speech, Mr. Cooke brings the audience through a range of feelings from amused to inspired as his words find their way into each attendee’s ears and shoots to their motivation centers.
After his presentation, Mr. Cooke generously comes into the crowd and connects with many members of the audience, even staying well after the discussion to carry on community rich conversations with a few remaining people from the audience.
Through the day, the college was abuzz with the quality of this presentation and some individuals that attended were suddenly finding their passion again, rethinking their dreams and goals, and asking, “Why aren’t I getting my business started?”