Monday, June 15, 2009

Infinite Inkwell Writer's Guild - Challenge #2

This post is the next challenge for the members of the Infinite Inkwell Writer's Guild.
If you are not a member and would like to become a member, please e-mail me from blogspot and we can discuss entry into the guild.

Alright, fellow pensmiths, here is our second challenge! For this challenge, the main object of your short story must be the color blue. Whether it is the color itself or something that is that color. You are a writer, get creative. The criteria should range from three paragraphs to a single page of writing.

The main object is the color blue!

Post as a comment if you please.
Good luck! I will submit my own story on Friday.
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1 comment:

  1. If there were a name to fit your character, it would have to be Ginger as, that’s how you get treated. You are fascinating and painful to deal with, every touch causes me to cringe, but I can’t leave you alone. I think about how you got here and I wish it never happened, but you are here now with me and I couldn’t be any happier, my heart breaks when I think of the day you will leave me.
    Yesterday, when you appeared, you were red and swollen. Tomorrow, your eyes will darken and in a few days, you will be like a rotting banana, yellow and black. Eventually, you will fade into the realm of nothingness, leaving me a better person for knowing you, but today. Today, you are just blue.
